qisdk / com.aldebaran.qi.sdk / Qi


class Qi



static fun getAutoLogFutureErrors(): Boolean


Wrap the Function so that its callbacks are executed on the Handler.

static fun <Arg : Any!, Ret : Any!> onHandler(function: Function<Arg, Ret>!, handler: Handler!): Function<Arg, Ret>!

Wrap the Consumer so that its callbacks are executed on the Handler.

static fun <Arg : Any!> onHandler(consumer: Consumer<Arg>!, handler: Handler!): Consumer<Arg>!

Wrap the QiDisconnectionListener so that its callbacks are executed on the Handler.

static fun onHandler(listener: QiDisconnectionListener!, handler: Handler!): QiDisconnectionListener!

Wrap the interface implementation so that its callbacks are executed on the Handler.

static fun <T : Any!> onHandler(interf: Class<T>!, callback: Any!, handler: Handler!): T


Wrap the Function so that its callbacks are executed on the UI thread.

static fun <Arg : Any!, Ret : Any!> onUiThread(function: Function<Arg, Ret>!): Function<Arg, Ret>!

Wrap the Consumer so that its callbacks are executed on the UI thread.

static fun <Arg : Any!> onUiThread(consumer: Consumer<Arg>!): Consumer<Arg>!

Wrap the QiDisconnectionListener so that its callbacks are executed on the UI thread.

static fun onUiThread(listener: QiDisconnectionListener!): QiDisconnectionListener!

Wrap the interface implementation so that its callbacks are executed on the UI thread.

static fun <T : Any!> onUiThread(interf: Class<T>!, callback: Any!): T


static fun setAutoLogFutureErrors(autoLogFutureErrors: Boolean): Unit