Mastering Execute


In this tutorial, we will go to a specific part of a QiChat Language and execute an action when it reaches Execute.

The robot will say a sentence and by reaching ^execute it will make the baseQiChatbot run a animation synchronously. Then the speech will resume to where it was stopped.


Before stepping in this tutorial, you should:

Let’s start a new project

  • Start a new project, let’s call it ExecutePepper.
  • Robotify it and make sure it implements the QiSDK & the Robot Life Cycle.

For further details, see: Creating a robot application.

Creating a topic file

Create a new topic file named for the English (en) language.

Add the following content to this file:

topic: ~execute()

concept:(execute) [execute executor]
u:(~execute) I've reached the execute ^execute(myExecutor) and now I continue.

For more details about the syntax, see: QiChat - Syntax.

QiChatExecutor class implementation

In this section, we will see how to extend the BaseQiChatExecutor class and implement runWith and stop methods.

  • runWith will be called when ^execute is reached in the topic.
  • stop will be called when the chat that handles the qiChatbot is canceled.
class MyQiChatExecutor(qiContext: QiContext) : BaseQiChatExecutor(qiContext) {

    override fun runWith(params: List<String>) {
    // This is called when execute is reached in the topic

    override fun stop() {
        // This is called when chat is canceled or stopped.
        Log.i(TAG, "QiChatExecutor stopped")

class MyQiChatExecutor extends BaseQiChatExecutor {
    private final QiContext qiContext;

    MyQiChatExecutor(QiContext context) {
        this.qiContext = context;

    public void runWith(List<String> params) {
        // This is called when execute is reached in the topic

    public void stop() {
        // This is called when chat is canceled or stopped
        Log.i(TAG, "QiChatExecutor stopped");


Import raise_both_hands_b001 animation using the Animation Browser. It’s located in Basic movements > Both hands.

Create the following method to perform the animation:

private fun animate(qiContext: QiContext) {
    // Create an animation.
    val animation: Animation = AnimationBuilder.with(qiContext) // Create the builder with the context.
            .withResources(R.raw.raise_both_hands_b001) // Set the animation resource.
            .build() // Build the animation.

    // Create an animate action.
    val animate: Animate = AnimateBuilder.with(qiContext) // Create the builder with the context.
            .withAnimation(animation) // Set the animation.
            .build() // Build the animate action.
private void animate(QiContext qiContext) {
    // Create an animation.
    Animation animation = AnimationBuilder.with(qiContext) // Create the builder with the context.
            .withResources(R.raw.raise_both_hands_b001) // Set the animation resource.
            .build(); // Build the animation.

    // Create an animate action.
    Animate animate = AnimateBuilder.with(qiContext) // Create the builder with the context.
            .withAnimation(animation) // Set the animation.
            .build(); // Build the animate action.;

Mapping the QiChatExecutor to a QiChatbot

Create a Topic containing ^execute then make a QiChatbot.

Add an executor that matches myExecutor keyword used in the topic. Finally run the chat asynchronously.

public void onRobotFocusGained(QiContext qiContext) {

    // Create a topic.
    val topic: Topic = TopicBuilder.with(qiContext)

    // Create a qiChatbot
    val qiChatbot: QiChatbot = QiChatbotBuilder.with(qiContext).withTopic(topic).build()

    val executors = HashMap<String, QiChatExecutor>()

    // Map the executor name from the topic to our qiChatbotExecutor
    executors["myExecutor"] = MyQiChatExecutor(qiContext)

    // Set the executors to the qiChatbot
    qiChatbot.executors = executors
    val chatbots  = mutableListOf<Chatbot>()

    // Build chat with the chatbotBuilder
    val chat: Chat = ChatBuilder.with(qiContext).withChatbot(qiChatbot).build()

    // Run an action asynchronously.

public void onRobotFocusGained(QiContext qiContext) {

    // Create a topic.
    final Topic topic = TopicBuilder.with(qiContext)

    // Create a qiChatbot
    QiChatbot qiChatbot = QiChatbotBuilder.with(qiContext).withTopic(topic).build();

    Map<String, QiChatExecutor> executors = new HashMap<>();

    // Map the executor name from the topic to our qiChatExecutor
    executors.put("myExecutor", new MyQiChatExecutor(qiContext));

    // Set the executors to the qiChatbot
    List<Chatbot> chatbots = new ArrayList<>();

    // Build chat with the chatbotBuilder
    Chat chat = ChatBuilder.with(qiContext).withChatbot(qiChatbot).build();

    // Run an action asynchronously.


If you run the application, Pepper will wait to hear ‘execute’ or ‘executor’ before executing the animation.

Let’s try it

github_icon The sources for this tutorial are available on GitHub.

Step Action

Install and run the application.

For further details, see: Running an application.

Choose “Mastering Execute”.
Say “execute” or “executor”.
Pepper performs the corresponding animation.

Pepper continues his sentence after the executor is done (when runWith returns).


You are now able to use BaseQiChatExecutor!